2024 SYC Swim Team Schedule
May 30
June 6 at Wood Dale
SYC vs Wood Dale
June 13 at SouthBend
SYC vs SouthBend
June 20 at SYC
June 27 at SYC
SYC vs Stoney Glen
July 11 at Rivers Bend
SYC vs Rivers Bend
July 18 at SYC
SYC vs Battlefield Park
July 26 & 27 - SSL Championships at Battlefield Park
Practice Schedule
Questions: Contact Clestelle Green swimteam@chsyc.com.
Swim Meet Tips and Information
Eat high carbohydrates before a swim meet – allow a couple of hours before the start time. Eat pasta and fruit; don’t drink milk or carbonated drinks; go easy on the sweets.
On the day of the meet, stay out of the sun as much as possible. Take a nap (the meet may run late).
Be on time for warm-ups. The coaches will remind you of warm up times at practice.
We will meet at SYC and caravan to Petersburg and Stoney Glen meets (time to be announced).
We will “chalk the walk” after practice in the morning the days we have home meets.
- at least 2 towels
- Team cap – this is a must for girls especially; team caps are available
Please no winter league caps - Sweats – tops and bottoms – it can get cool in the evening
- Shoes
- Change of clothes
- Folding chairs to ensure you have adequate seating for the meet
- Permanent marker – for writing event numbers on your hand
- Goggles (optional) – do make sure they fit snuggly!!
Check in and obtain your event numbers. They will be posted by age groups near our seating area.
Wear a cap. If you wear goggles, be sure they are broken in and are tight.
If a swimmer becomes ill during the meet, see the coach.
If for any reason a swimmer must leave before the meet is over, see the coach. This is important – even if you have finished your scheduled events, the coaches need to know when a swimmer is leaving. Make sure you are not on a relay team prior to leaving.
Swimmers may at some time be entered in events they do not like to swim. If you have questions about your events, see the coach.
If lightning starts at a meet, leave the deck area immediately. You may take shelter in a building or car, but don’t leave unless it is announced that the meet has been postponed. We usually wait 15 minutes after the last sighting of lightning before continuing the meet. Meets delayed more than 1 hour will be rescheduled. Swimmers will be notified. Events completed before the postponement will be official. The rescheduled meet will begin where the first meet left off.
Get your times from the timer upon exiting the pool after each event. Report them to your parent or guardian.
Have a great time. Meets should be lots and lots of fun.
Compare your times with your goals and evaluate what you may need to improve.
Clean up around your area – especially be good visitors at away meets.